You're possibly one of the many people who is disappointed with the year 2020. Abrupt change of plans, constant worry, crushed hopes, endless challenges, or what have you. It was a different year in all aspects of living, not only in one country, but in all corner there is. It wasn't all tough. There are thing we'd be grateful about global lockdown for: time to recollect, reconnect, and resolve our current situation.
And you may also be wondering about this weird website. Allow me lay the idea down. This is not only my story. You may find your self in it too.
The Misfit
We all once felt like never fitting in no matter how we try. Just by knowing about what other people thinks about you makes you conscious. Being aware makes us feel affected and worse, gives us cold feet leaving us doubtful. What ended my pointless anxiety on this was discovering and embracing my very authenticity.
Here I am confessing; I am a rural girl born in the the busy urban life. I love the idea of living a provincial life. I daily live in the opposite of the urban population. I am slow and serene; laid back but assertive. Sheltered in the comfort zone.
The Miss Feet
Visiting places and observing culture exposes ourselves into many possibilities. It opens our understanding of how diverse life can be.
Year 2020 has kept us all in our houses. I can only travel through memory or through Facebook friend's post. As soon as travel restrictions loosen up, I promised my self, I will go places. Hence, you'll find in my articles some semi-post-pandemic travel documentation you might soon want to try out.
The Miss Fit
Getting fit in all aspects (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), takes 200% determination, motivation, and the will to keep the discipline day by day.
After a long pause, we opened ourselves into understanding what it means to co-exist. Leaving the fast track with no destination. Where do you find your self now?